Tuesday, July 18, 2006

heating up

With the coming of summer, things are starting to heat up. To begin with, I was told that Sony had been searching for other candidates but couldn't find a suitable one and so they had asked me back to work there. As decided, I will begin to work in Sony from the start of next month. The working environment there seems tough, wish me luck. Next, summer also means fireworks festival and this time I went with my company friends to Yokohama. Anticipating the overwhelming crowd, we went there about 1pm to tour around the place and also to book a good seat. Last year's lesson taught me that because I had missed like a good part of the first half looking for my friends as I was late.

The day before, I went to a barbeque gathering with some Singaporeans and Singapore loving Japanese and a club that has a live band. The place we had barbeque was below a bridge in case it starts to rain which it eventually did. What was unexpected was instead of falling vertically, the rain was falling horizontally due to the rain. With no place to hide, we were all soaking wet pretty soon. The rain stopped like an hour later and all of us were drying our clothes in the sun that suddenly appeared. Barbeque continued and we had yakisoba(fried noodles). This day reminded me so much of Singapore. My Japanese friend know one of the DJs and so I was invited to this live band. The music was pretty good except that I could catch only about 5 to 10 percent of the English they sang due to the bad English accent. Looking forward to more fun next week...

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