Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Using brains and eating chocolate

I'll like to open up a question the the web and hopefully someone can provide me with an answer.

I had been using alot of my brain power lately(not that I haven't been using it in the past) and I realised that the more brains you use, as in the more analytical thinking you did in the day, the more you want to eat chocolates or something sweet. I'm not sure if anyone else have the same revelation as me or if there are any research going on about this topic but do let me know your ideas and thoughts on this, and any articles or links will be helpful. have a nice day, and eat more chocolates..



your nuts

zaam said...

maybe I am, or I had just suddenly developed a craving for chocolates...

Anonymous said...

no i just get more hungry if i use my brain more.

MrGreenMonkey said...

i am just hungry

zaam said...

It isn't like hungry for sweet stuffs? I realised that sour is used to wake me up(of course) but during times when I overwork my brain, I need sweet stuffs. hmm..maybe it is really just me

Anonymous said...

haha clifton is hungry regardless of whether he uses his brain or not. heh. anyway hi to all of you from a very rainy new york. the bottom of my jeans are wet now and i finally understand why people wear boots. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm practically brainless and I still eat lot of chocolates.

Personally, I think chocolates are very liberal foods, they do not discriminate. Especially the fair trade types.

MrGreenMonkey said...

Who says they do not discriminate? Try getting your ah ma to eat truffles.. bet she will say 'si mi sai'

zaam said...

Still chocolates today. This time white chocolates. My grandmother is fine with chocolates..just as long as they don't have a milky taste to it.

Lou:I thought boots are the in-thing nowadays. I haven't met a girl in Japan who doesn't own boots. Australia too.

Anonymous said...

yea but you know me and fashion. quite non existant. and now i have to find something to wear to company party. dammit. winter leh. how to dress up

zaam said...

One option will be troublesome. Change when you reach there.

The other will be to get a nice overcoat.

Fashion is not about getting something new, branded and pretty. It's more about something that looks good on you and you feel comfortable wearing it, which, I think you already got it.

zhenlin said...

umm.. let's see... found a study on choc deprived people - they solved a brain puzzle fastest when they know that they'll get to eat the choc at the end... (compared to non-deprived/ vanilla deprived)

There is also some correlation between choc and neurotransmission so all in all, i think you can safely indulge in chocs on the premise that it'll improve your efficacy and mood..! =)